Monday, May 12, 2008

May flowers

Here are some more photos I took over the last week. I put in some lovely azaleas I got for six bucks each at price Chopper. The tulips are nearing the end of their reign. The irises I planted last year are finally starting to flower; some lovely pale pinks and a deep purple one (above); I will photograph them as they continue opening, and the peonies and clematis should be blooming any day now! I also got a few flats at a plant sale up on Delaware Avenue: snapdragons, asters and pinks, oh and tomatoes! I also ordered some blue flowers from Wayside Gardens; some groundcover plants for that difficult patch of dry, root-bound clay soil on the side of the house. I want to chronicle its progress, it is a bear of a project.

Happy Spring to all...


ericat said...

Your spring lilies are beautiful. We need to plant the winter growing lilies as our summers are way to hot and dry. I see you mention weeds in your last post. They seem to be part of gardening. No way to dodge them.

We hope you have a happy wedding, but the years to follow must be even better.

Peg A said...

thanks for writing! Hoping to get some more photos up here soon.
Married life so far is interesting! :)